An online community sharing the study and practice of Chan Buddhism

Science & Culture

By Chuan Zhi

The universe, governed by power and the law power obeys, conforms to a dualistic principal of yin and yang, eros and logos, shakti and Shiva. We cannot separate them. Only through spiritual labor can we succeed at reconciling and integrating the noumenal with the phenomenal, the mathematical formula with that which obeys it, and only then can we hope to create the long awaited convergence of ...

By Chuan Zhi

Are science and Zen incompatible? Not at all. Each simply leads the investigator to a different area of understanding. Is awareness simply the result of our neurons firing away? Sure, but that's not the point. The mystic will say that the perception of awareness is of a universal nature, not confined to any piece of the whole (reality) but of the whole … of the universe itself. The ultimate joy ...

By Rene D. Seymour
So. I must admit. I WAS on Facebook. It seemed to be the happening thing, so I wanted to know what was happening about it. Before I knew how it worked, I posted all sorts of things, some funny, some ridiculous, some serious, some, I must admit, embarrassing. As this was happening I was noticing that some people wanted to “friend” me. Also, some people decided to “unfriend” me.

by Rene ...

By Chuan Zhi
The universe, physicists tell us, has no edge, yet the mass, and other “stuff” like dark matter, are all more or less uniformly distributed throughout. Even stranger, if you take a long journey in a straight line from any starting position, they say, you will never reach a boundary. There’s no boundary because there’s nothing “outside” of it to be bounded by. The Big Bang, which is ...