An online community sharing the study and practice of Chan Buddhism

Waking from sleep, a fresh dream. How little the difference between conscious and subconscious. The dreaming mind is full of thoughts that make little sense, but the mind that’s awake is really no different. We’re caught up in chaotic thought patterns, running from one spike to another, then taking a tangent to someplace else with new thoughts, emotions and feelings that express themselves throughout the day by the  actions we take.

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Life as it is

Waking from sleep, a fresh dream. How little the difference between conscious and subconscious. The dreaming mind is full of thoughts that make little sense, but the mind that’s awake is really no different. We’re caught up in chaotic thought patterns, running from one spike to another, then taking a tangent to someplace else with new thoughts, emotions, and feelings that express themselves throughout the day by the  actions we take.

We call this “our life”.

Imagine the brain, and the sense of self arising from it. Imagine sitting outside this self, looking in at it. Observe all the thought patterns entangled in the whirlpool of thoughts, emotions, and feelings. This is the “self” we are trapped inside unless we can get outside of it and observe it for what it is. To do that, imagine a large refrigerator where you can put all your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Put them in and close the door. Look at the closed fridge and breathe.

Just breathe.

Observe that what’s inside the fridge isn't You. It’s merely a made up concept of who you think you are—it’s that which you believe yourself to be. Now, leave it all there, in the fridge—everything. Breathe and observe this new life-space. This is who you really are: that which is just as it is, without all the mind-chaos that's been sealed away in the fridge.

Sit and be. Just as you are. Here and now. Living and breathing this very Nirvana.  This is life.

It’s the same as before, but now you can see life as it really is. 

And isn’t that a wonderful place to be?