Nan Hua temple 南華寺 was founded during the early sixth century by Zhiyao Sanzang. It is famously known for the resident Han Shan who taught Chan there and reformed the monastery during the 16th Century. It was again renovated by the monk, Hsu Yun, in 1934 (Hsu Yun's body is housed there today). Also of some fame is the mumified remains of Hui Neng, purported to have lived and taught there, and acclaimed as the sixth and last patriarch of Chan. Nan Hua temple 南華寺 was founded during the early sixth century by Zhiyao Sanzang. It is famously known for the resident Han Shan who taught Chan there and reformed the monastery during the 16th Century. It was again renovated by the monk, Hsu Yun, in 1934 (Hsu Yun's body is housed there today). Also of some fame is the mumified remains of Hui Neng, purported to have lived and taught there, and acclaimed as the sixth and last patriarch of Chan.