An online community sharing the study and practice of Chan Buddhism

Photographs by Yao Xiang, with accompanying
haiku by Basho, Buson, Issa, and others

Come out to view
the truth of flowers blooming
in poverty
-- Basho


The new year arrived
in utter simplicity -
and a deep blue sky
-- Issa


Distant mountains
reflected in the eye
of the dragonfly
-- Issa


A flowering plum
and a nightingale's love song
he remains alone
-- Issa


Breakfast enjoyed
in the fine company of
morning glories
-- Basho



Defeated in the fray
By bigger battlers for love...
Tom-cat seeks a mouse.

-- Shiko
(Translated by P. Beilenson)



Plum blossoms:
My spring
Is an ecstacy.
-- Issa




My noontime nap
disrupted by voices singing
rice-planting songs
-- Issa


In seasonal rain
along a nameless river
fear too has no name
-- Buson



Just to say the word
home, that one word alone,
so pleasantly cool
-- Issa


If a west wind blows,
They pile up in the east -
The fallen leaves.
-- Buson
(translated by H. G. Henderson)


In the midst of this world
we stroll along the roof of hell
gawking at flowers
-- Issa


Black Cloudbank Broken
Scatters in the night...Now see
Moon-lighted mountains!
-- Basho
(translated by P. Beilenson)


Brilliant moon,
is it true that you too
must pass in a hurry
-- Issa



This world of dew
is only a world of dew -
and yet . . .
-- Issa


Crossing half the sky,
on my way to the capital,
big clouds promise snow
-- Basho


Lonely silence,
a single cicada's cry
sinking into stone
-- Basho


True obedience:
silently the flowers speak
to the inner ear
-- Onitsura



By that fallen house
The pear-tree stands full-blooming...
An ancient battle-site.

-- Shiki
(translated by P. Beilenson)


Traveling this high
mountain trail, delighted
by violets
-- Basho